(no subject)

Oct 12, 2005 23:45

I'm bored too.

1. Of all the bands/artists in your cd/record collection, which one do you own the most albums by?: Radiohead
2. What was the last song you listened to?: Mediocre Bad Guys - Jack Johnson
3. What's in your record player right now?: Record Player?
4. What song would you say sums you up?: Inside of Love - Nada Surf
5. What's your favorite local band?: I'd have to say This Is Me Smiling
6. What was the last show you attended?: Arcade Fire at the Riviera.
7. What was the greatest show you've ever been to?: Radiohead - 08/01/01
8. What's the worst band you've ever seen in concert?: I worked Britney Spears for Rock The Vote. Need I say more?
9. What band do you love musically but hate the members of?: I can't think of one. I have a principle against listening to music by artists that repulse me.
10. What is the most musically involved you have ever been?: 8th grade. I played violin and sang in two choirs
11. What show are you looking forward to?: Friday - Nada Surf
12. What is your favorite band t-shirt?: my Radiohead shirt.
13. What musician would you like to hang out with for a day?: Ben Folds
14. What musician would you like to be in love with you for a day?: Jimi Hendrix
15. Metal question-Jeans and Leather vs. Cracker Jack clothes?: Huh?
16. Sabbath or solo Ozzy?: Neither?
17. Commodores or solo Lionel Ritchie?: Commodores
18. Punk rock, hip hop or heavy metal?: Punk Rock.
19. Doesn't Primus suck?: Probably.
20. Name 5 flawless albums: I'll be boring here... OK Computer - Radiohead, Under The Table and Dreaming - Dave Matthews Band, Agaetis Byrjun - Sigur Ros, Give Up - Postal Service, Surfacing - Sarah McLachlan
21. What was the greatest decade for music?: 60's
22. How many music-related videos/dvds do you own?: 5
23. What is your favorite movie soundtrack?: Garden State
24. What was your last musical "phase" before you wisened up?: Frat Rock
25. What's the crappiest CD/record/etc. you've ever bought?: The soundtrack from the movie "Bounce."
26. Do you prefer vinyl or CDs?: Vinyl, eventhough I don't have any.
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