permissions post (chart taken from splendorocity)

Aug 02, 2011 00:49

4th WALL BREAKING: Go for it, he'll find it fascinating.
THREADJACKING: As long as you ask first before doing it, then I don't mind.

MIND READING: As long as you say something before doing so, then I'll probably allow it.
LOCATION SENSING: Same as the above.
TELEPATHY: Same as the above.
SPECIAL/MAGICAL ITEMS: Same as the above.

FIGHTING CAPABILITIES: As a Pokemon trainer, Jun is considerably skilled and able to plan out strategies and the like to secure a victory for him and his Pokemon. His Dragonite in particular is pretty high-leveled and he'll usually resort to that for fighting other Pokemon Trainers. Otherwise, he's probably able to hold his own long enough in your standard fist-fight or the like, but nothing too serious he can do himself.
INJURY/DEATH: If the fight seems to go in that direction as we're plotting it out, then sure, why not.
WIN/LOSE/TIE: Doesn't matter, just depends on how we plot out any fighting and on deciding who wants to be the winner or loser.
MEDICAL/PHYSICAL INFO: Pokemon aside, he's your average ordinary human. Therefore, he can only survive injuries that humans would be able to survive. Otherwise he seems pretty healthy and in good physical shape.

ROMANCE/RELATIONSHIPS: He hits on ladies ALL THE TIME, and if given the chance, he will bore you to death about his "lovely and beautiful" Mitsumi from back home, despite the fact that, as much as he wants to date her, she doesn't like him like that. But otherwise, yes, he is open to having a romantic relationship with someone in Splendor.
SEXUAL RELATIONS: He's a virgin--I mean, for now, nothing too sexual for this boy. He's most likely as straight as they come, but depending on how things go this is open to change. :|a
PHYSICAL CONTACT: Things like hugging, kissing, hand-holding, etc. is fine, especially if the person doing it is a girl~. If you're a guy though, he'll probably be a little freaked out. In return, ladies of Splendor, he will probably try to do the same to you, just so you know. He's even gone so far as to practically glomp the girl he likes back home, so your personal space might get invaded a bit.

ANY TRIGGERS/SECRETS/FACTS YOU WANT PEOPLE TO KNOW ABOUT: Other than invasion of personal space around people...well, if your character is "other-worldly" or very noticeably not human, you'll catch his attention very quickly and he might pester you with questions about it, since he's very interested in things others might consider "abnormal".

Talking about anything that happened in the past back home is fine, but if the subject veers towards things like losses against people in battles, something unpleasant involving Mitsumi, or anything involving his Dad, he might clam up a bit.

!ooc junk

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