Dec 10, 2005 23:08
So.. I'm in the mood for updating, yes'um.
I ranted about homework last time, so I'll rant about something different this time: colledges.
I can't spell tonight, have you noticed?
Anyways, colleges cost money, some colleges are hard to get into. And of course, before you start worrying about those two things, you must worry about choosing the right college. It's far too much work in my opinion, but I don't really have a choice in the matter. Either I can find a college and go to it, or I can work a kinda meh job for the rest of my life. Or, as so many people do, I can attend a college and work a meh job for the rest of my life, but I think I'll take my chances on that.
So, colledges. I kinda need to find a few to apply to by this time next year. Let's see... there's only tens of thousands to choose from in this country alone. Luckily, I know what I'll probably major in, and what I might minor in, so that makes it easier, all I have to do is find colleges that are well known for being good for studying biology at, narrow it down to the ones that are in places I want to live in, and there you have it, a nice list of colleges to apply to. Can't be too hard right? Right? Well...
At a college fair.
Me: So... what is your college best known for? What is it good at? What does it specialize in?
College Person: Ohh... everything!
Me: Uh, okay, how's your biology department?
College Person: Wonderfull!
Repeat this for every. single. college. and you see my problem. Almost every college offers bio as a major, and lots of other interesting looking bio related things as well. The only college that I know of that's well known for it's biology programs is the U of W with its stem cell jazz. And I don't know if I want to go into stem cells. I have no fucking clue what part of biology I'm interested in, I kinda like it all. So... now.... I should um..... I'd do research, BUT ALL THE DAMN COLLEGES SAY THE SAME THING! We are a wonderfull, friendly college, situated by the beautifull _____ city surrounded by the beautifull __ (insert natural wonder there). We offer challenging course in every fucking thing, not helping you choose a college at all. But apply to our college, were, after begging you to come, there's a 50% chance we'll laugh at your application and reject you! Doesn't that sould fun?
I can't wait for next year, when I get to write all the lovely college applications. Somedays I think it would have been easier to just refuse to come out of the womb. Aw well, I'll find the college for me someday. There must be snow there. And I must be able to keep pets in the dorms. It's all right if they say only fish, it's amazing what animals are fish. Rats are fish, lizards are fish, and snakes are fish. Amazing that.
Anyways, I was just up this late to pass time well I bake cookie, and the cookies are baked, so good night.