Moving again

May 15, 2004 21:24

hey guys... well i got some pretty heavy news this week. i found out im going to be moving to yakima. i honestly don't know if im happy about this or not. i have prayed about it and i know that this is what God wants me to do. yet i have built so much where i am now. and i have made so many changes for myself. for the better. now im going to have to start over again. do you know this is the 19th time im moving??? that's a lot. and im emotionally drained by it. however, my family is in yakima right now looking at a house and my mom said she really likes it and she thinks i will too. which is really kewl. i just hope God will give me some of his work to do there. pray for me guys. i need support from my fellow christians.
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