So, I have decided:
1) I like concerts.
2) I like Pearl Jam.
3) I don't really like people who go to Pearl Jam concerts.
Tonight was still fun, though. We sat next to another pregnant couple and chatted politely about pregnancies and concerts. Both of the preggos spent considerable time off of their feet, even though everybody decided to stand up throughout the duration of the concert.
To the group in front of us who decided that the concert would not be fun without passing around your weed pipe: this is a NON-SMOKING VENUE. I don't care if you smoke weed - just not in a SMOKE FREE VENUE AND THERE ARE TWO PREGNANT WOMEN BEHIND YOU. Stop acting like your actions don't impact anyone. Oh, you would get busted if you were smoking weed in the designated smoking areas? OK - then LEAVE IT AT HOME PLEASE. Thank you.
I recorded a couple of their new tracks from the new album, I'm particularly fond of the first one...
Click to view
Click to view
Ben Harper was great, too - man, I don't think I've ever really paid much attention to that guy. But he played a tight, tight show.