Feb 22, 2004 13:41
Yeah, lazylazylazy, didn't do a thing this weekend. So pathetic. I should really get out more, wish there were more cool people in town. Went to dinner last night w/ a girl that HAS a man. She was nervious I could tell, I could care less. When did I get so complacent? I wasn't intending on TRYING anything w/ her, but she just seems to think that's what all guys want. I don't blame her though, that what all guys DO want. I thought back in highschool that cutting off my nuts would save me a ton of trouble. Eh.... I'll cope.
Reading Vonnegutt, missed that man, miss the writting, he needs to write more, thats what I hate about real artists, you never get enough out of the ones you love! I HAVE SO MUCH TO GIVE! TAKE FROM ME TAKE FROM ME!
If I'm not used soon and sucked dry of all tallent I fear I'll never become the artist that I should be...scary. ART IS DEAD. We've done it all, we've seen it all, (and my cat is about to attack her sister...complicated weave of life.) so you can't live in Paris 'cause it's too expensive, and you sure as hell can't life in NYC. So what are we saying about the art centers of the world? That you've got to be rich to make it? Yeah....yeah....you have to know gallery owners, that if they own a gallery anywhere that's important you KNOW they're going to pretensious snobs...and look down on anything new, or at least anything that isn't coming from their little circle of idiot copy-machines. Anyway, Is it dead? is art dead. I read about Rothko and Pollok and I want to cry...how can I ever get to that? Start a school of art, freak the critics...yeah but there's so much out there, everyone doing it, everyones better....AUGH. Not that I've got much help on my side, there's what....4 of us...one will paint nothing but nudes...in the same style...and the other doesn't want to paint for a living...so it's up to me and the other one...but he's not the type to want to change the world....am I?