Sex and the Suburbs

Jun 01, 2008 12:12

Some kid just whistled at me while I was riding home from Kathleen's on my bike. Okay, here's the deal: Whistling at girls is always rude and annoying. But whistling at girls riding bikes on an extremely white-bread suburb street? That's just incredibly lame. There were two of these kids and one was wearing a parka. So in addition to thinking he's some lady's man, he also either thinks he's a gangsta or has some weird blood circulatory problem that makes him very cold in June.

I learned at about eleven years old that some things just don't work in the suburbs like they do in the city. Busking, window shopping, talking to random crazy guys, etc. I really think it's time teenage boys learnt the same lesson. They are not gangsta. Their peeps are not gangsta. And should they ever decide to move to the 'hood, they will get beat up by gangstas. But whatever. Every group needs poseurs, to give the elitists in the group something to complain about.

Everytime some white kid whistles at a runny-nosed girl on a bike, a gangsta gets his bling.

Yesterday I went to the LaSenza/LaSenza Girl sale with my mom and Angela. This sale is the best. You can simultaneously get very small bras and very big children's clothes for very little dough. The downside is the line was literally over an hour long. Then I went to see Sex and the City with my mother.

The last week of school is coming up. I'm performing with Angela in our school's Battle of the Bands type thing on Friday. And the weekend after that I'm going to NEW YORK! Unfortunately, I just realized that my Broadway concert for singing lessons is on Saturday, so I've got to go down and meet my mom and aunts there on Sunday. We have to get home by Monday, because I have my stupid final Bio exam on Tuesday. Anyway, besides the limited time, I am uber excited. Can't wait to get this ridiculous amount of exams over with so summer can start!
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