(no subject)

Jan 11, 2005 20:23

Hello everyone,

You know when there is no show going on you have lots of time to think.

Well, I guess my birthday is coming up on the 19th. I not all that thrilled since I have 2 finals on that date. Oh well. I don't know, but the age 17 sounds old to me...I know it may not to all of you...but it just says to me in a year I'll be 18 (what a scary thought) and all of the things that are going to come...or go for that matter. It means that at the end of this school year (or summer for that matter) most all of my friends will have moved off to continue their lives...while I am stuck here for another year.

WHAT IN THE WORLD AM I GOING TO DO?!?!?!?!? Sure you say make more friends...I probably will...but NONE will ever be the same as what friends I have now. Even closer friends...they will move off too...we will probably become friends at christmas card level...meet each other once in a while...talk online...then 10 years pass...you pass by them on the sidewalk and say to yourself "was that...nah...." and keep walking. I don;t want that to happen...I want to continue walking down that sidewalk WITH them...which in most cases will not happen...but if I am lucky it will.

Then comes the thing that I...Alan Patrick Dronek...will have to leave my house...leave high school..leave the theatre for heavens sake...and venture out into the real world where in order to survive I must take my talents and put them to good use. Yes Valet parking my friends...lol...Im just kindding...but not really...valet parking. Put MYSELF through college and venture into the acting proffesion...and if anyone comes with me...or is by my side when i do it...it will probably make it easier to go through all that...a shoulder to cry, put, break down, or laugh on.

I'm not saying this is all horribly bad...it's actually quite exciting...but I am scared as hell as well.

And all of this is going to happen when I have the muscles, joints, and I feel like a 30 year old Donald O' Connor. In pain most of the time...mostly because I like to entertain people...idiodicaly at the point of whatever it takes.

Now all of this is depending if I get through this year let alone next year. I need to pass all my classes which I am struggling with 2 of them right now. But I will work on it and I will be bright as may by the end of the year.

You all may think that this is a letter of a depressed guy...on the contrary I am actually quite happy with my life. I love all the turns and ups and downs my life has. I wouldnt be me if I didn't have all of this. Matt once asked me if I could change anything in my life...what would it be. I said absolutely nothing...if I changed even the smallest thing...I wouldnt be where I was today...I might not have the same friends...I might be a baseball player instead of an actor. I might not have any close close friends whatsoever. All of that if I decided to turn right instead of left. I am extremely happy with what my life has led me to.

If you actually read all of this...I guess you guys are either a) true friends and really care about me, b) extremely bored or c) both a and b

I must be off to do other stuff...I hope all of you have a great evening and life for that matter!
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