Does anyone need a playa bike?

Aug 20, 2009 14:04

I know a lot of people aren't going to Burning Man this year, but I figured I'd offer it to you guys before freecycling the thing.

I have a cheap Scorpio Pacific 21 speed mountain bike that needs to stop taking up space in my garage. It probably needs new tubes in the tires (or at least a patch or two), but other than that it's rideable. It's maroon, if you care, with a women's-style frame (which on this bike just means the top tube of the frame is slightly lower than on a men's bike-- it's not super girly.) I put a rather decent rack on the back when I first got it, and you can have the little tire pump that's clipped to the frame, too. Anybody want it?

If I'm going to see you soon I can just toss it in the back of my truck and bring it to you, otherwise you'll have to come get it from my place in Sacramento.

daily miscellaney

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