Feb 08, 2005 09:10
Patience is a virtue. That may very well be true, but it is causing me a nervous day like none I have ever had. Each and every heart beat is going by so slow that I can count them. I don’t think that I can go through 12 more hours of this. If I am nervous now how am I going to be on the date?!
Usually life for me is a day by day thing. This lets me take great joy, sorrow, pleasure, or pain in the moment. It helps me through the crap from day to day. Unfortunately, at the same time, it makes this anticipation SO much more intense. (I have had 445 heart beats so far typing this.)
I could use a drink.
I found out something really cool for me. The day that the 40 days are up, The Incredibles comes out on dvd. A friend of mine told me yesterday that if I can do it he’ll get it for me.