Hmm... Flying Mint Bunny!
I also felt like posting. And Tyra wants everybody's body. She says she likes bodies.
Anyways, I was drawing the Principality of WY. She's pretty cute. I think I should practice her more..
Might as well post more pictures, ja?
And happy birthday, Germany! I drew him a picture. But it sucks.
Germany is kind of spacing out here. He's totally not looking at Prussia... Oh well...
And, Alysia was talking about a picture of Sweden with clogs, and I actually didn't post it on my actual journal, so here it is now.
Sexy, no? Quite.
I'll keep drawing... Or finish making my Finland papercraft..
On a side note, Cheetos are delicious. And my back hurts. And the Beatles are awesome. And I can't type. That is all.
Marissa out.