(no subject)

Jan 30, 2009 23:43

I want to watch the newest BSG episode SOO badly, and I want to read starbuck92's post about it even more. Still, I must refrain from being spoiled... I must...

Why can't those torrent people do their thing just a little faster?

BTW - I've been living in a "lovely" Canadian winterland lately. It's cold, then snow, then ice, then much more snow, still cold, then melt for eight hours, then coooooold frakkin' cold, and then - would you believe it - MORE SNOW!

I have pictures of this, really, but they're stuck on my camera until I buy more rechargeable batteries. I guess having those for nearly four years now has paid off in the long run.

Scott bought Fallout 3 for Xbox and is playing it at the moment. He likes it so far, and it gives a nice break from WoW and Rock Band 2. Indeed.

I worked 6-11pm tonight, and though I am starving, I'm not going to eat until the morning. It's a good thing we don't have anymore cheesy-twist thingies around... :(

bsg, stuffs, winter weather, work

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