Stolen meme

Feb 19, 2007 10:55

Swiped from stargater

1. What is the last alcoholic beverage you drank?
Red wine at a wine and cheese sampling

2. Do you follow college football?

3. How many miles does your car have on it?

4. Who was the last person to send you a text message and what was it about?
It's been so long... Cingular sent me one because I forgot my online password... again.

5. Last time you went swimming in a pool?
Last spring in Mexico.

6. Are you happy?
For the most part, yes.

7. Where was the last place you went shopping?

8. How do you feel about your hair?
It needs a trim, but I love the style.

9. Where do you work?
I don't at the moment.

10. Last thing you ate?

12. Last time you smoked a cigarette?
When I tried it in 10th grade.

13. Do you have any expensive jewelry?

14. AIM or MSN?

15. What classes are you taking?
None right now,

16. How many hours on average do you work a week?
none right now

17. What is your favorite brand of make up?
I don't really wear much of it, but that natural minerals stuff is nice.

18. Favorite NFL team?

19. Do you watch the Olympics?
I do.

20. Last bar you went to?
Typical bar? Never. Night club type? About six years ago.

21. Who was the last person to call you?
guy wanting to buy my table set

22. What's your sign?

23. Do you have a favorite number?

24. Where does most of your family live?

25. Are you an only child or do you have siblings?
I have two older brothers.

26. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?

27. Ever been called a bitch?

28. Got any guilty pleasures?
Chocolate and World of Warcraft.

29. Do you drink beer?

30. Have you ever experienced true love?
Oh yeah.

31. Did you ever collect Beanie Babies?
No, hehe.

32. Ever ordered anything online?

33. Myspace or Facebook?
I only have myspace because of people from school, but I don't post in it.

34. Do you have T-Mobile?

35. What is/was your favourite subject?
History, English/Literature, Science

38. Who is the person that took this before you?

39. Do you usually fall for the "bad boys"/"bad girls"?

40. Were you an outcast in high school?

41. Last time you saw your parents?
Dad today, Mom last week.

42. Do you have any talents?
Writing and listening.

43. Ever been in a wedding?

44. Do you have any children?

45. Last movie you watched?
Recent version of Count of Monte Christo on TV.

46. Are you missing anyone right now?
Talking to Scott on skype, so not right now.

47. Did you take a nap today?

48. What was your high school's mascot?

49. Ever been on a cruise?
As part of another vacation, yes.

50. Favourite vacation spot?
Anywhere with lots of trees, but don't have a specific spot.

51. How many pets do you have?
With me, none, but Mooch the cat lives with the parents.

52. Do you have any wealthy friends?

53. Ever met anyone famous before?

54. Favorite actress?
There are many that I like, but currently it would have to be Torri Higginson.

56. Are you multi-tasking right now?

57. Could you handle being in the military?

58. Are you hungry or thirsty?
Nope, just ate.

59. Favourite fast food restaurant?

60. Do you have any grandparents still alive?

61. What is your average cell phone bill?

62. Do you own a camera phone?

63. Ever had to take a sobriety test?

64. Do you believe in karma?
Only in movies.

65. Can you speak any other languages?
None fluently.

66. Last time you went to the gym or worked out?
Last week sometime.

67. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Three right now.

68. Do you have a photo hosting site that you use?
Yeah, my svivren site that Kristy lets me use and also photobucket.

69. Last place you drove in a car?
To Kristy's apartment.

70. What is your college mascot?

71. Ever been to Las Vegas?

72. Nicest hotel you ever stayed in?
The Best Western Hotel Europa in Olympia, Greece. Absolutely gorgeous.

73. Have you ever bought condoms?

74. How much money did you make today?
Not a cent.

75. What do you think is your best feature?
My legs?

76. Have you ever been gambling?
Yes, hehe.

77. How old are your parents?
Mid to late 50s.

78. When is the last time you updated your blog?
Right now.

79. Do you have your wisdom teeth?

80. Best chap stick?
Any Chapstick. I'm currently fond of vanilla.

81. Have you been to New York City?
Just to and from JFK and LaGuardia airports.

82. Favourite restaurant?
Olive Garden.

83. Ever been to Disneyland?

84. Do you have a favorite cartoon character?
Rogue from Marvel's X-Men, the show that ran in the mid to late 1990s.

85. Last thing you cooked?
Beef stew.

86. How is the weather today?
Sunny and quite warm for February.

87. Do you e-mail?

88. Last letter/piece of mail you received besides junk or a bill?
A birthday card from my brother and sister-in-law.

89. Favourite store?
Barnes and Noble.

91. Last voicemail you received?
Scott wishing me a Happy Birthday.

92. Do you drunk dial?
Er... I have no idea what that is.

93. Stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone?
Play American Idol trivia via text messages and went over my text limit.

94. What is the best city in the state that you live in?
Springfield is quite nice - it's large enough to have most things but small enough not be very crowded.

95. Favourite band?
Currently Damien Rice.

96. Last time you were sick?
More than a year ago.

97. Are you bored right now?

98. Next concert you plan on attending?
I have none.

99. Do you watch reality tv?
American Idol.

100. What are your plans for tomorrow?
Clean my kitchen, possibly sell my washer and dryer then, and relax.


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