Feb 10, 2007 15:04
i try not to write when i have nothing to say--but of course, it's all relative. my nothing, apparently, is other people's "something". anyway. today i went spelunking. however, a friend (gati) told me that spelunking is also a dirty word for some act i've undoubtedly never performed nor heard of and therefore i should just avoid using it at all. in more conventional language, spelunking means caving and caving (in Florida) means crawling around on your hands and knees or your belly through muddy, sometimes wet, clay or sand or limestone. i saw bats (smaller than my clenched fist, and all curled up and sleeping) and blind cave crawfish and a cave cricket (probably also blind). i saw minerals and weird formations that look nothing like the stalactites and stalagmites they teach you about in school. and my helmet kept falling off. for a claustrophobic, acrophobic little girl, i did amazingly well (pats self on the back).
but anyway, i've been reading all these educational theory books and whatnot, for work (as an excuse), and i totally know what they mean when they say kids actually really want to learn. adults are just there to provide a little bit of guidance. the most wonderful part of caving was the little boy who came with his mother--the only kid in the whole group. he was definitely the life of the party, curious about *everything*, seriously adventurous.... having him there made the entire experience ten times better.