May 16, 2007 21:27
A quick punctuation doozy for today.
When addressing someone by their name, title, or nickname, you should capitalize (or capitalise? oooh, that looks weird - maybe not) the name, title or nickname.
"Let's go, Slayer," the vampire said with a growl.
"Hurry up, Whelp."
"You're a pig, Spike."
"What are you reading, Watcher?"
"Where are you, Mom?"
Normal endearments and addresses are not usually capitalized.
"Are you ready to go, luv?"
"Over here, pet."
"Not a good idea, mate."
When the non-name words are used to talk about the person, rather than to them, then they are just common nouns. "Bring those slayer muscles over here, Slayer." "Is the whelp around?" "Where's your watcher? We're out of scotch."
When talking about someone by title, you would capitalize a noun that would normally not be. In this case, "mom" is both a common noun meaning mother and the name that Buffy and Dawn use for Joyce - so it is capitalized when they are using it as her name, and not capitalized when they are just talking about her.
"Where's Mom?" Dawn asked. "I don't know where your mom is," Willow replied.
We covered speech tags and how they affect capitalization of the words around them in another post, so I'm not going to go into that. And everyone knows (I hope) that sentences begin with upper case letters, so that's not one to belabor.
Here's one - in titles, with the exception of the first words, articles are generally not capitalized.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer/ Angel the Souled Vampire/ Guns and Roses/ Just a Little Spell/ The Bodyguard