I was going to do something on canon/fanon soon, but haven't managed to sort out my thoughts yet. In lieu of that, here's a worthy addition to our frequently confused words list; one that I snagged from
aadler who apparently has a list of his own. :)
"Grammar/language peeve of the day:
Not sure where this one comes from, other than people simply not bothering to learn the actual meanings of words that sound vaguely similar, but here goes.
flaunt: to display ostentatiously or impudently [flaunting his superiority]
flout: to treat with contemptuous disregard [flouting the rules]
Get it? One is a display, the other is a treatment. Sound alike, but nowhere near the same usage or meaning."
I really need to stop calling these "daily" doozies, don't I? *sigh*