May 19, 2006 20:30
What do they do with your wisdom teeth when they take them out? I want them to give to the tooth fairy. That's some dough right there. I know what the she would say though. "The tooth fairy spent alot of money on you today. Get over it." :)
So the doc comes in and we're talking... he put a needle in my arm and asked me where i go to school. Alabama. He said he went there. I said cool. All the sudden the room is moving and i say wow this really kicks in fast! and i was out. I don't even remember closing my eyes. Kinda cool, like a movie and he was poisoning me. Well, I've always wanted my life to be like a movie and i guess that's the closest it's gotten so far. Hah.
So i woke up what seemed like one second later in a different room. They told me that I walked in there. Yeah i don't remember that.
Walking is fun. I feel like one of those blow-up clown things that you can't knock over, except that it's upside down with the weight on top. It's not so bad anymore, I can get up by myself. I've had some really weird dreams this afternoon, mom said it's because I'm on drugs. whoo hoo!
Ugh... grogginess.
Anyone have any good stories?