Sep 01, 2005 20:38
So, there's this meeting tonight at the campus ground, conveniently called the ACADEMIC EXTRAVAGANZA, where all the academic groups are located to discuss with students things like majors, minors, concentrations, internships, etc. I decide to go and look into this concentration I wanna join that involves both psychology and biology courses - which would be a great foundation to base my research on later. And besides, i figure this way I get my name known by the guy who runs it.
So I walk up and take a flyer and I'm talking to him, keeping the conversation really relevant and mature. I tell him that the grade for my one and only bio class, so far, wasn't very high. he explained that selection for this concentration (which is very competitive by the way) wasn't based on solely one course. I was relieved and continued speaking with him and telling him how bio was the only class I had really done bad in. he asked me what my GPA was. It's 3.13
I told him 2.13
He looks at me and explains how bio couldn't have been the only course I did bad in if that was my GPA. I look at him for a minute and then it hits me that I am a massive tool. I tell him my real GPA and try to smooth over the now unbelievably awkward conversation taking place, but it's no use. The organizer of this program either thinks I'm stupid or incompetent or a liar. Or all three. So I hang my head in shame and try to make my escape before I dig myself more into the ground. And dammit all to hell, this was something I really wanted to get into.
Maybe I should have lied when he asked for my name.