Well, it's ALMOST Friday.

Dec 02, 2004 20:04

I don't know why I've been getting headaches lately, but it's really annoying. I woke up with one today and it's been on and off. Medication and sleep aren't helping either. Oh well, it has to go away sometime.

CETA performance was ok today. We got some laughs, didn't screw up as horribly as I thought we would, and Travis was hilarious. So it went better than expected. AT least it's out of the way.
And now, my group's scary Graz story:

We were practicing and Travis says his line: "Remember when you and Rob made love on the ironing board?..." Everything was running smoothly until Graz announces: "Hmmm, I've gotta try that!". Everybody froze, and it was so funny and gross all at once. Eeeeeeeeew. It's amazing just how unexpectedly weird he can be.
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