Libre Open Office Users

Oct 19, 2016 09:48

I have this persistent problem that I can't get Libre OpenOffice to convert two hyphens to an em dash in text that I have imported from Google Docs. I have Auto-Correct set to do this (it's the only thing in that category I have checked-boxed).

Fake edit: I can retype the bit that needs it, add in an extra letter and space, and it will convert, and then I go back and delete the extra letter and space. But this is cumbersome and I ionly discovered it after the last submission went out with double hyphens because I got desperate & hadn't thought of this yet.

Real edit: there are two instances that won't convert this way either. They are before and after the word "end" at the end of the file.

writing, libre openoffice, format

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