5 weeks

Oct 29, 2015 16:37

I don't consider this to be an actual post since it's just keeping track of my knee surgery recovery for my own purposes.

Anyway, this week:

(did I mention Zluta and I going to see the Marching Band Parade the Saturday before last? That was a two mile walk)

Friday: first dance class after the 2nd surgery (at 4 weeks). I danced danced danced for about an hour, taking a break after every three to five dances. The thing though is that I was for a lot of that time dancing better than I have in the whole six years I've been going to this dance class. My legs were not lagging, so I didn't have to fight for the rhythm and I didn't find myself on the wrong foot (hardly ever, until the last few minutes when I decided I was tired). I could follow the leader better on dances I didn't know well and I did two of the kinds of dances I have always considered to be beyond me--the kind where you let go of the people on each side of you and turn around in little circles as you move and then catch hold again. And I did them okay.

Sunday: UCSC had a parade down Pacific Avenue and Zluta and I walked almost to the end of the street to watch it. She was wonderful, by the way: she likes parades, and she doesn't bark her fool head off at the floats and the funny people and the weird noises. I'd say probably 1-3/4 miles.

Today: almost two miles at sunrise because we ran into Bev from across the street who was going to walk out to the end of the pier and back. Dogs aren't allowed on the pier. so we turned back this side of the scary roundabout intersection at the pier. So just shy of two miles, because it's a mile one way to the opening of the pier? (and the pier is half a mile long, so that would be a three mile walk if Zluta were allowed).

At physical therapy it only took a couple of turns rocking back and forth to get all the way over, and then I was pedalling pretty fast for a bit over ten minutes. This means that I consider myself ready to ride my actual bike around town now.

And then my PT discharged me three weeks early...

My stats are only okay: 118 degrees flexion and 5 degrees extension on the right leg, 120 flexion and 1 degree extension on the left leg. But they are definitely okay!

I get my carpal tunnel release on the 9th, which is 11 days from now. And then I will be done with surgery!!!

I still haven't challenged myself on downhill walking, because it gives me the creeps. But I'm beginning to go down stairs the normal way instead of one step at a time, when I feel like it. It's currently much slower than one step at a time, because I have to convince my knees that they can too handle it.

Also I am less tired, sleeping fewer and shorter daytime naps and I have the focus to write nearly a thousand words a day and also to do a bit of yardwork and housework. As Frank and Hana are coming in three weeks, I am trying to clean up a bit so they don't go home worried that Ma can't handle herself...

zluta loves a parade, surgery, carpal tunnel, knee

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