I followed somebody's crotchet about Anish Kapoor's installation at Versailles to
this BBC article, in which they confidently state that the title of the sculpture is "Dirty Corner." I thought that was strange given the things that he is quoted as saying about it. He says it represents the queen's vagina coming to power, and it is open to interpretation as is art in general. So anyway, the BBC article said that in France he's getting both positive and negative critiques, and there's a link to
this article. My French is not great, so I only skimmed the article, but what stood out to me was the name of the sculpture. No, it's not "Coin Sale," it's "le vagin de la reine."
Immediately I have two overlapping theories: somebody got the title from a machine translation, or somebody deliberately sabotaged the work (and the integrity of the news article) by using the term. Only if I put "le vagin de la reine" into google translate I get "the queen's vagina." "Dirty Corner" isn't even in a list of suggestions.
Not to mention the phrases are almost perfect cognates anyway.
I call shenanigans.