wtf BBC?

Aug 16, 2014 09:29

I get the BBC world newsfeed in my livejournal flist.

This is problematic not least for the reason that whatever headline they think is most interesting will run over and over and over as they update it every fifteen minutes.

And so, if they decide something stupid and prejudicial and discredited is the most interesting thing ever they will run that over and over and over.

What is it since yesterdary (or the day before -- another thing this practice does is confuse the passage of time, as it simultaneously seems to rush forward while the same thing seems to happen over and over and to stand stock still as the news remains the same for soimetimes days at a time) --

the allegation that the kid murdered by police was a robbery suspect. It's in every headline from Ferguson "Police confront demonstrators as teen is identified as robbery suspect" "Dead teen identified as robbery suspect."

This is how long after the police chief has already disclaimed this?

Oh wait, it's gone now. I just went back to get the exact wording of the headlines and there are none referring to it anymore, no matter how far back I go,

Completely, utterly gone, even from the past stream.

Took them a while to see that they were doing the wrong thing, but I guess now they're utterly embarrassed by it.

bbc, murder, ferguson, news

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