Today Google Drive's spellcheck attempted to correct "much" to "much." I thought that was amusing, until I let it, and discovered that it had actually corrected it to "muchh." Now, that was hilarious.
On another front, the day before yesterday I made a batch of 8 tiny fruitcakes and 6 tiny pumpkin breads. Today I am soaking the rest of the suitable dried fruit to make another batch because I was compelled to sacrifice 2 of the tiny fruitcakes due to puppy dog eyes and so I only have 6 fruitcakes and 4 pumpkin breads.
I also succeeded in getting four-ounce jars (good old Orchard Supply, which is in this and a few other matters true to its roots) which I have washed and I am air drying before packing with olive oil and dried tomatoes. No, there is no reasonable danger of botulism if you do it right. Right means: no basil or garlic in the oil: no water droplets: dip the tomatoes in strong vinegar before packing them, to raise the acidity on the surface of the tomatoes.
I should have done these things a week or two ago, but there you have it.
I also found my stash of new year cards, so if you want one, send me your address. I was thinking of printing out a World War Two
Militant Soviet Santa card but having these ready-made ones from the Seymour Center (Long Marine Lab) is better as it has several fewer points of possible failure.
also, Google apparently thinks a spelling error means you have no idea what you want, so instead of offering a correction to the spelling, they highjack your whole search and give you something sort of vaguely similar instead of what you wanted. Of course I complained.