This video is a pretty literal acting-out of the words of "Dedo mili, zlatni," which ia Macedonian song about how Golden Dear Grandpa and Grandma live out their quaint and loving sunset years eating peppers and smoking pipes and spinning wool and all that.
I'm seriously trying to learn the song, though it pisses me off*. What should be happening right now is that I should be learning this song to tease the nice fellow about being Dedo mili zlatni himself. And it's five years too late for that.
Couple dances piss me off too, did I ever mention that? Because a project the nice fellow and I were working on that year was finding a dance class we both would like to do.
*I mean, it also pisses me off, as well as making me happy.
edit: on another front, Youtube is recommending for me videos posted by "Moldova Are Talent," which pleases me immensely.