Not doing too well at recording these plinks, am I?

May 30, 2013 10:39

Again a couple days of not posting where I actually wrote stuff. But this morning I wrote 1500 words before breakfast. On not-Poland. It was easy. And Yanek made a decision, and the chapter is finished, and there are two chapters to go before I get to go back and rework everything to make sure it all makes sense and that the same terminology is used all the way through and also to make sure that the chornology is correct and that the direction of things is consistent (consistent enough, I mean).

I'm looking forward to it.

I had a really lovely conversation with personheadblueghostghost about the way my stories end (or don't, actually), and it caused me to finally see something I might be able to do to fix that problem -- which sounds like a non-revelation when I say "take more time at the end, and after it" but it is, because I've been operating on a different principle and while I could see I wasn't getting the ends squared away right, I didn't realize  -- somehow, and I guess the density of my brain is quite variable -- that the principle itself was the problem. My idea is that once the initial and secondary issues are resolved, the story loses its interest -- and while I do know that stories need a cool-down period, I've always been reluctant to impose on the readers' good nature after that point. So imagine a very shy person who's built up all their courage to tell you the story of their life to now, or to relate the exciting events of the recent revolution, who gets to a certain point, and then suddenly says, "well, so, um, that's it, I guess, I won't trouble you any more," and they flit out the door before you can even ask them "But what happened to the guy with the carnation?"

So I'm not going to be that person in this book at least. Even if it means I have to write another chapter beyond what I am planning to write.

On another front, Truffle's evening agenda last night appeared to be a walk of Yummy Well-Scented Indefinite Doom: if I had let her determine the entire walk, I don't know if we'd have gotten home before midnight. After a while I determined that we had to go home anyway. She actually argued with me about it. The reason this is news is that some months ago I was lucky to convince her to go around the block every other day.  I don't know what has changed, except that I've been initating stronger and more strenuous walks myself.

writing, the drummer boy, the light at the end of the tunnel, truffle, not-poland, head thing, plink

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