oh yeah, reading

Jan 18, 2013 00:52

Reading: A Simple Haban Melody by Oscar Higuelos (bathroom book)
was going to start What is the What but I can't handle it right now, any more than I can handle Those Bones Are Not My Child: I guess I need something less harrowing at the moment.

Just finished: Periodic Tales (you can have it now, Emma and Jason) and The Handbook of American Folklore

about to read: I'm not sure, I have this immense pile of books from my dad and stepmom.

I got my guy into a situation I've been planning for a year and suddenly it's like I can't imagine how this would actually go.

Having a Mr. Earbrass moment anyway. Just re-read a bunch of earlier chapters for reasons and they read like a dull biography to me.

writing, the drummer boy, reading, i hate the word meme

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