oh stuff

Nov 28, 2012 13:50

In no order, of importance or chronology

1. Last physical therapy appointment yesterday. I can do so much more than I could a year ago, and my physical therapist gave me a few even harder things to do. I'm still working on loosening the muscles and flexibility and strength, but I'm also working on balance and stability too.

2. I have an interview Friday for a job that pays 175% of what my old one did. It's a lot more work, including things that are hard for me (a lot of deadlines, and a lot of conversational Spanish), but it's good work.  My housemate does the same work, and she's overwhelmed, but she's been moving and also dealing with some other personal stuff. Also, the job has insurance benefits.

2a. There's a job to apply to in Bonny Doon. That's actually worse than Scotts Valley. Anyway, it's half-time. It could end up costing me more in transportation than it pays in wages. (There's a story as to why there's a bunchof those names up there, having to do with a guy named Scott, but I never remember the details)

3. As for Nano, I think I will get my fallback goal done: I'll get to the end of the battlefield stuff. I planned to get to the end of the draft, but this has been really, really difficult, and I have been doing more research and problem solving than word piling.

3a. the last third of the book keeps getting more complicated . . .

4. Irreproducible recipes:

Steamed broccoli, shirataki (noodles made from tofu, very nice if you're going low glycemic), tomato sauce, cheese, heat it all up and there you go.  Irreproducible because the particular tomato sauce is made of sad elements in the fridge.  Hint: two anise seeds is more than a quart of tomato sauce can support without large amounts of other things in it. You'll be balancing flavors for hours until you give up and say it's good enough to eat.  I thought Italian sausage has anise in it, so it would be nice in a sauce too? But it was wrong. Anyway, I did prevail and I am eating this now.

5. (or 1a?) I have something to wear to the interview, because at Thanksgiving I snaggled up some of my stepmother's clothes.

irreproducible recipes, writing, physical therapy, work, jobhunt, the drummer boy, head thing

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