My research, let me show you it

Nov 09, 2012 11:15

What I found out today is:

It's highly improbable that narching soldiers can collaps a bridge by creating a resonance wave.

So the soldiers that did collapse a bridge probably did it by being too heavy for the bridge.

I tried to find out about archaic military discipline, but all I found out was that the goose step was invented to keep marchers at an even spacing, punishment in the middle ages and before was barbaric (who knew?), and armies tend to execute deserters. What I wanted to know was what happened to trainees in the time between the Franco-Prussian War and World War One when they screwed up in common ways, but I didn't. I did find out about the English army's "field punishment number one" and "field punichment number two" which are bondage exercises. But I have no idea if this has anything to do with eastern european practices, or practices in training.

I did find out lots of fascinating things about the Tsarist Army with respect to the Jewish draft.

Can you imagine a 25 year conscription? And they drafted little boys -- as young as 8, in the early 19th century (not just the Jews, other minorities), but they kept them in school till they were 18. And their children were deemed to belong to the Army also.

But again, the relevance is obscure, except that not-Poland is a fantasy world in which anything is grist for the mill.

If I post a word count will you promise not to laugh?

In the first eight days I did a bit less than 4000 words.

writing, jews, breakstep bridge, my research let me show you it, mythbusters, military history, not-poland

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