Little gifties

Jul 10, 2012 23:10

It's always hard to move out.  But some people have special difficulties with it . . .

He left several bottles of medicine in the desk: a large television in my livingroom (it had been in his room, he only moved it out for a temporary cleaning and then forgot about it): and several bags of garbage.  Notably, one which had one of my precious "free extrra garbage" stickers on it, and which was overfilled by fifteen or twenty pounds according to the garbage pickup rules . . . and which was a lightweight bag anyway and tore to shreds, spilling its contents all over the street tonight as I was fine-tuning the garbage layout (we have three cans: a rather small one for garbage, a large one for "greencycle" compostables, and a large one for paper/metal/glass/plastic recyclables).  All of the overweight could be accounted for by things that are not allowed in the garbage: recyclable paper and electronics waste, including an old laptop.  So I got to clean that up, and I get to cart the television out to the curb and hope somebody takes it.  I did retrieve my sticker so I swill have it to use.  I briefly looked at the other bags still on the porch, and one of them definitely needs to be gone through as it appears to have yet more inappropriate things in it and it is also clearly overweight.

On a more cheerful note, I got my doggy septic tank up and running and now I am keeping the yard picked up every few days.  On the doggy front, my summer dog appears to have developed mild kidney disease on arrival.  She doesn't seem particularly ill, but she is drinking several times more than she used to (still not more than some other healthy dogs drink: she was never a very thirsty dog in the past), and she is leaking urine.  It took a few days to be sure that's what was going on, as the urine is quite dilute and doesn't smell at all.  So I emailed the brother-in-law and took her to the vet, where they cultured for a bladder infection and ruled it out.  Now she's on a drug to tighten her sphincter and I guess it's up to the brother-in-law to have her checked out for the extent of the kidney disease when he gets back from Denmark.  What I hear from Denmark is that they have lovely fresh fish and a life of leisure on the island.

I will write about more interesting things another time.

roxy, denmark, phillip

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