Dropbox, google docs, and me

Jan 16, 2012 16:06

I have installed dropbox and I have exported all my work from Googledocs and I unzipped them and put them in the dropbox folder. I think I will keep the google docs as another backup even though there was something wrong with the way it saved (or didn't save) my recent uploads. And I figured out why you can't read my stuff online without downloading it. Google only allows online reading ("previewing") of files that have been converted to the google docs format. That's dumb. I hate converting things back and forth. That's why I'm working in .rtf format instead of .wpd or .doc format. Everybody can read .rtf. Except google.

The dropbox installation went without a hitch but when I tried to follow their instructions for getting things into dropbox I found that the drag-and-drop function is in fact a cut-and-paste operation and not a copy-and-paste one, and that is also unacceptable, so I manually copied and pasted the files, which is fortunately eminently possible despite not being mentioned in the instructions.

Meanwhile, I have re-written 800 words and gotten to about the place I was at maybe 200 words into this bit. But the extra words are worth it, I think, as they remind us that Yanek is, in fact, a drummer boy and there is also a passel of foreshadowing in it.

And yes, the creepy soldier is coming back in this re-write too, since I decided he was really useful prepare Yanek for the veteran drummer of almost the same name who he will meet at the end of the next chapter or the beginning of the one after that depending on how the rhythm of events goes.

But it took me literally all day of constant distraction and eating a whole raft of junk I shouldn't to get it done. I am so much more efficient upstairs and that's even before people walk through the room and want to talk to me. Did I mention the lack of doors in the house? There are exactly two interior doors. One is to the front room where my more-or-less roommate lives, and the other is on the bathroom, and neither of them stays sh8ut very well, at least not if the dog is determined enough. Or even the cat.

At least the new window downstairs gives me a stirring view of the tall dangerous-looking palm trees next door swaying in the wind. There is not much wind today, so they are not as creepy as they could be.

Random note:"palm tree" is what my mother's name means.

My first name means "Light," which seems inappropriate to me, and my last name means "Stony brook," as I keep mentioning.

palm trees, writing, names, dropbox, computer crisis, google docs

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