I have to go to the airport

May 25, 2011 22:38

I have to go to the airport, and I am not going anywhere. I have to show the Delta ticket counter my credit card so that they can verufy that it is an actual physical card. This is because I have bought a ticket to go to Accra, where apparently people pull frauds or something. I am not going to Accra. Frank is going to Accra. He will be working in the traumatology department of the hospital there, for a month. He is stoked. I am a little squeamish. But this is what he wants out of life.

It is cheaper to fly to Accra from Brussels than anywhere else in Europe. I don't know why. I especially do not know why it is five hundred dollars cheaper to fly from Brussels to Amsterdam to Accra than it is to fly from Amsterdam to Accra. Yes, it costs five hundred dollars more to take one less flight and not go out of your way. It makes no sense.

On another front, it was cold and rainy this afternoon after it was hot and sunny in the morning. I don't believe anything any more.

Phenological observations: along the Arroyo Seco Canyon Trail at the edge of the University Terrace park, blackberries are in full bloom, and poison oak berries are bigger than allspice berries, but mostly still green. Also, birds. Oh my dog, the birds. So much birdsong: more than I remember almost any other place or time. Currently I am really only going to this spot because I am not up to dealing with bog of the dogs on leashes and the other offleash all the time park is gooshy still from the rain. But sometimes I don't have the car, so I should just make up my mind to walk the dogs on leash in the neighborhood. They're good dogs. I can deal with it if I decide to.

Emma made me a new purse! This one has a cell phone pocket because I liked the one in one of her purses. Now I have three purses, though I wore the first one pretty much out.

roxy, prague, plants, seasons, dog park, accra, frank

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