May 08, 2011 08:52
I'm finally fixing up A Suitable Lover for professional submission. The online version is seriously messed up: much worse than my saved manuscript (among other things, the uploading process elided words here and there, and an occasional phrase, sentence, and in at least one case, a really important scene. I don't know how much is due to user error and how much is due to the uploading machinery). I'm mostly cleaning up typoes and formatting, and making sure the missing bits are reintroduced, but I'd appreciate an eye besides mine to go over the newly-proofed versions and catch what I've missed and any crud I've missed because I read what I think I wrote.
It's going suspiciously quickly. I reread the whole book last night and I've cleaned up the first four chapters this morning. So I'm ready to start feeding chapters to someone if they're ready to read it for me.
I would really appreciate this.
writing clean-uop,
suitable lover