Apr 16, 2011 19:38
It's almost 7:30 at night. The animals are at the boarding kennel, and I have been poking at my other tasks. This is what I have to do before 11:00 tomorrow morning:
1. finish bagging the food that will be stored during the termite tenting. This involves also throwing away a lot of food and cleaning containers and the refrigerator. I've been doing this desultorally for days -- starting with medicine in the bathroom -- but there's no more dallying now.
2. finish packing. I have been doing laundry for days and I have been selecting/unselecting items for longer than that. The trip is ten days long. The weather is running 3-22 C (32-74 F), which is a pretty big range. It may rain but Frank says showers last about 20 minutes. So I have a lot of fine-tuning sorts of decisions to make. Also, I have presents.
3. Download pictures from my camera to a safe place. I believe I will use Frank's camera again.
4. Move my two remaining houseplants outside and water everything that is in a pot.
This is actually not too bad,now that I have it written down.
I got my medicines. I got my new glasses, and my new shoes. I'm pretty well prepared!
I'm going to see the arboretums this time! And, of course, the Astronomical Clock, again, and various Narodny museums and things. And ride in a boat on the Vltava!
When I get back I will be getting serious about jobhunting though there is a real chance that if I wait a couple months and take a 22% pay cut I can return to my workplace, as there is a teaching assistant who will be leaving in a while. Depending on what other jobs develop in the meantime, that could even be my best bet. Not all jobs in my field have health care benefits, and not all of them are in walking distance, and not all of them support professional development like mine. Also, I have friends and stuff.
Also I seriously need to get the furnace cleaned and to get cracking on the yard.
And I will also be seriously researching, outlining, and proposing the Baby Book to Put Other Baby Books to Shame. And writing along on other projects.