May 30, 2009 13:22
So Zack says he found several rat nests and access points in my bedroom when he opened the walls. And rat turds everywhere. Have I mentioned that when I had an allergy test after my one and only full-on asthma attack, the only thing in the whole battery I responded to was rat epithelial tissue, and I responded plus four: which means immediate hives and itchy respiratory system (I mean I felt it when I breathed, but I didn' have any trouble breathing). They had a fast-acting antihistamine (which I think I should have some of). It's gotten worase over the years. I can't go into small pet stores. I was uncomfortable in Emma's bathroom when she kept her pet mice there.
So, my head thing? Where I can't get out of the present moment and plan and think straight? Where I can't remember what I'm doing, even if I want to do it? I don't follow up on things? For years I've noticed a lightness of head and clarity of mind when I travel. That could be emotional, you know, the new experiences getting me going.
Or it could be that my brain fog and befuddlitude is from a constant low-level exposure to rat epithelial tissue over the last thirty-two years.
head thing