Dec 18, 2007 08:43
Are any of my Bay Area folks going to Potlatch and would like to share driving and/or a room? I might be able to afford it if so. ($119/day room, with either two large beds -- $60 each: $50 contvention fee: and whatever it costs to drive to Seatttle, split among however many drivers: that's not too bad)
I had a very good time at Potlatch the last time it was in San Francisco. I get the impression it has settled in Seattle permanently. Or maybe it's alternating between Seattle and Portland now? Anyway, it's farther away and I have a hard time allowing myself to do things like that when the nice fellow doesn't get to.
I have a little voice this morning but I'm still wobbly, possibly from not eating much for a couple days. I still don't feel like eating. Zak lent me some of his precious codeine syrup (it can be hard to get in the US, though I think my doctor would have no problem prescribing it for a cough like mine) so my ribs are getting a little rest. But I still ache when I cough. Oh, and I have now lost 43 pounds. Which puts me back on schedule, oddly.
Anyway. Potlatch, anybody?
head thing