Jul 20, 2007 12:02
got 'em. Boys have done the deed in the moonlight in a scene that I think does what it's supposed to do. Less than five hundred words today, but unlike most of my days lately, I think they're keepers.
in other news, the University says it is not a tit-for-tat attack when it opposes the expansion requested by the Safeway shopping center at the bottom of the hill the Universoty is on. The University's environmental impact report has been denied by a judge who said that the City was correct in saying that the growth plan doesn't account for the water and transportation that it needs. The City is saying that thje University has to do a lot more towards mitigating the effects of its demand on resources. The University is saying that they can do what they want and isn't that Safeway thing just a tad blue-sky in some of its projections?
This is interesting stuff.
santa cruz,
suitable lover,