Chapter nineteen up:

Nov 30, 2005 14:56

So here it is. There are four more chapters and I'm moving like molasses. I'm in a sort of slump in general, so slow updates on Bella and Chain. Probably because I've been coughing like crazy. It's reflux coughing, not asthma couching (lung capacity is fine) or infection coughing. I went out and bought a scale because I need some kind of feedback besides my erratic notetaking to let me know that I really am eating the whole lot less I think is essential for dealing with the reflux. In addition, I'm going to see the doctor and ask if it makes sense to switch medications again -- could the one I'm on have stopped working? It's really demoralizing, because the coughing does horrible things to my Kegel muscles and I end up changing clothes a lot.

So my tree kept having more and more and more apples on it and I finally went and got some expensive English cider yeast and that very night we discovered we were finally just about out of apples. So I made more apple butter and I think I will make pie. And I will have to do something with the yeast so I'm going to buy several gallons of nice apple juice.

The apple butter is good. It was easy to do. And I've made notations in the relevant cookbook as to the changes I made -- less sugar, less ground spices, some orange juice and brandy. I don't understand this phenomenon. Other people use cinnamon, cloves, allspice, nutmeg in much higher quantities than I do and I don't get bland results. And I'm not supersensitive. I* just wonder what other factors there are?

So my keeping Nicky company in NAnoWriNoMo, only doing shorts, was a failure. I contracted for eight short stories and I produced one and most of one.

I'm still contemplating the end of the rain one.

shorts, bella and chain, apples, donor

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