got some things done

Nov 05, 2005 23:30

I finished transcribing chapter sixteen of The Donor-- it will go up tomorrow.
I finished the story "Seven Little Men." I'll polish it down below 4.5K probably. I need to do an orgy of sending stories out.
I wrote today's, yesterday's, and tomorrow's bits for Bella and Chain. Besides the fact that it's almost midnight, the reason I'm not doing any posting until the morning is that I need to drastically fix bits in Bella and Chain and I want to be fresh for that.

We went to visit the animal shelter, I don't know why, and had an immense lunch at La Bruschetta in Felton. They don't call it La Bruschetta for nothing. They have a separate menu for bruschetta. They make a big deal of being Sicilian but the food was mostly not really unfamiliar. Though the nice fellow's sandwich had "ammogliu" sauce on it. That appears to be a typo for something that ends with an o but I am no wiser for googling other than that. Last week we went to a restaurant with cuisine from Puglia, where they seem to live on eggs and parsley.

Okay, here's a question for Anna or Anna -- in restaurants in Italy, do they try to grate cheese and crack pepper on every single plate anybody orders? With immense graters and grinders?

Or is that a USian Italian restaurant thing?

So I promised Nicky Browne or is it Matthews that I'd keep her month of short stories project company with two a week. Thursday and Monday. I am cheating this coming Monday with a piece that's half finished. Then I need six more ideas and while ideas are easy to come by not many of them are manageable as shorts.

And I ordered the soundtrack of "Everything is Il;luminated" for Gloria, who wanted to see the movie twice (we did), and whose taste in music appears to be as wide ranging as mine: but when I hit on KPIG she asks me to turn it up loud.

seven little men, gloria, bella and chain, la bruschetta, month of shorts, everything is illuminated, donor

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