Oct 06, 2005 18:10
So binge drinking is the cause of the day. They've introduced a bunch of measures to cut down on binge drinking at the University: draconian anti-partying laws on the part of the city (kids get one warning and the next loud partyu they have they are fined some amount and their landlord is required to evict them) and a campaign on campus to talk students into "partying small," which means -- pressure against assembling in large groups.
Binge drinking among college students, is of course, a bad thing, and is, of course, a traditional problem in some schools, and a growing problem in other schools . . .
Only, according to the numbers, not UCSC.
So . . . what is this all about?
On other fronts, the neighborhood in Salinas which was partially evacuated due to a foul-smelling substance that gave them headaches and made them ill was not victim to methyl bromide escape from the strawberry field across the street. Nope, it was another chemical, which I heard as "chlorotryptin," and which was identified as being, besides an omnicide (my word! I made it up!) squirted under plastic to sterilize fields before the berry plants are put in, a component in tear gas. But it can't be called that: Google says there is no such thing and suggests "cholorotryptamine," which gives many manby results but nothing that tells me whether it's the right thing.
And still further fronts . . . general hurricane news has begun to be pushed aside by dog reunion stories. You know -- local shelters reconnect hurricane refugees and their dogs.
I love my dog, but there's something corrupt about this.
santa cruz,
life on the central coast,