I have 20 oz of Shetland Wool/Mohair blended batts from
http://www.fireantranch.com/. The wool is mostly white with tufts of yellow blended with a small amount of beautiful blue mohair. The singles are spun on my Bosworth Midi spindle then two singles are plied on my Kromski Minstrel. So far I have two skeins finished with a third set of singles almost ready to ply. I think one 5 oz bag of these batts would have made an adequate shawl, but I have 20 oz to play with. Whatever shall I do?
BTW, I plan on turning it into "Lace Dream" by Eugen Beuler if I ever find my copy of the book that it's in. Sigh.
shetlandmohairskein2 Originally uploaded by