May 28, 2008 09:31
I plodded through yesterday with great determination... so I could get out of there and take another day off.
I have an increasing number of cracks in various parts of my house and two doors that don't behave, so I thought I needed foundation work. The inspector just left after telling me that I don't need to work on my foundation. The cracks are due to settling and I should continue to water my foundation regularly and keep my fingers crossed that we don't have any severe drought for the remainder of the time I am in this house.
Now I get to spend the rest of my day bathing myself and my dog, then going to spinning guild.
This business of spinners only meeting in the daytime is feeling sort of discriminatory to me, now that I have a full time day job. Iknow, I know I just need to organize a meeting at night a couple times a month, but I am sooooo not the organizer type. I'm the show up and get busy after someone else gets it organized type. *sigh*
Other house news: I bought a new stove and built in microwave on Saturday. They will be delivered this coming Saturday and I will be able to go to work without worrying that I am killing my dog with natural gas fumes if the pilot lights go out on their own. In the last week they have gone out on their own 4 times. The gas regulator was dead and I couldn't find the parts needed to repair it. It was ugly and wouldn't keep a consisten temp in the oven anymore anyway. Now I will be able to bake with some confidence again in the fall. (It's too hot now, silly) Oooh, and without pilot lights, maybe my kitchen will be a little cooler? A girl can hope.
I have two microwave ovens, one was a free gift for signing a lease back in 1998. It stopped behaving several months back so I was going to retire it to use as a dye microwave and brought out my cheap microwave that I bought when the free microwave was out of my possesion for a year or so with my NSDXBF. It sux big time. It was okay when it was all I could afford ($30 Walmart special) but it too is inconsistent in power, which worries me. Now I guess I have two dye microwaves, but the cheap one will probably be freecycled as soon as the new one is installed.