Verinthian Application

Mar 04, 2009 17:16

» name: Rita Mordio
» canon: Tales of Vesperia
» age: 18
» species: Elf

» guild affiliation? Roots
» starting location: Repoire
» job: Chief of Mana Research for Roots

» background:
Rita Mordio's public history -- or what she's willing to speak about -- starts at twelve years ago (age 5) in the underground Elven city of Aspio.  Completely dedicated to mana research and investigation, Aspio has long been a prominent research facility ruled by the Elves.  The gated city is built within a series of large caves, powered by magical light and a drive for knowledge.  Mordio's haphazard house is secluded from the rest of the city.  Piles of books carpet the two-level house, whose second floor is accessible through a ladder located in the center of the structure.

After five years (at age 10) of living in Aspio on her own,  Mordio gained the title "Genius Mage."  Her level of intelligence quickly became a communication barrier however, as Mordio's blunt personality prevented her from enjoying interpersonal relationships.  Soon, she was respected but also rejected from the general mage community.  Mordio, on the other hand, ignored these opinions and continued to delve into mana research.  Her often reference to various mana sources as "He" or "She" indicates that Mordio regarded magic as her only friend.

At age 15, Mordio moved to the new continent of Verinthian, looking to collect data from the new land for her current work-in-progress "On the Origination of Mana."  Nekam, the city located in the Sikara Desert, drew Mordio's interest immediately.  After spending most of her life underground, a location that most mages hypothesize as the best place to study mana due to its proximity to the earth, Mordio set off to study how different landscapes affect the use and generation of mana.  The Sikara's desert landscape was something her home continent of Raores lacked and its unfamiliarity thrilled Mordio's scientific senses.

After spending an entire year in Nekam, Mordio made frequent trips to Repiore, the host city of Roots.  The guild's focus on loyalty and equality astonished her, since most of the guild's work requires its members to operate on an individual and secretive basis.  This mesh of individualism and unity was enough to ensnare Mordio's curiousity and after a three-month disappearance from both Nekam and Repiore, she returned, and officially undertook the position "Chief of Mana Research" for Roots.  She has then spent the last two years in Repiore -- establishing, overlooking, deploying and personally participating in Roots mana research teams.

» personality:
Energetic, short-tempered, blunt and passionate, Rita Mordio is an unhealthy mix of logical reasoning and emotional decision-making. Standing at 5 feet tall, Rita easily replaces what she lacks in height with her intimidating attitude.  Her straight-forward personality seems to make her few friends however, as Rita has really never had any sort of relationship with anyone other than her parents, both of which she never speaks about.  Rita's intelligence serves as only another barrier to how much she can relate to others.

Her more recent responsibilities within Roots has forced Rita to pay more attention to how others operate, so that she may effectively guide them.  However, her quick ascent to Chief of Mana Research has allowed her blunt mannerisms to continue unchecked.

» abilities:
A arcane mage, Rita's spells span easily from basic elemental magic to those powers bending light and darkness. When necessary, Rita can also pull off some varied physical moves to defend herself. Her weapons of choice are either sashes or long chains. Her basic and intermediate artes database is included below.  Though Rita can potentially learn more spells and physical attacks, she doesn't know them yet, and I look forward to roleplaying her discovery of new magic during my time in Verinthian.

[Physical Artes]

Beta X Psi = Square Root - Your grace sends the enemy flying. Uses the magical incantation "Rudolf".
Zeta X Psi = Ef - Make enemies lose their footing. Uses the incantation "Phi".
Zeta = Delta Tau (Omega Rho) - Clobber the enemy over the head. Uses the incantation "Laplace".
 [Arcane Artes]

Fireball - Send a fireball toward the enemy. Continued use will increase the number of fireballs.
Stone Blast - Call forth small rocks from beneath an enemy and knock the enemy into the air.
Champagne - Cause a stream of water to bubble up from beneath an enemy.
Spread Zero - Collect a sphere of darkness to explode forcefully into an enemy.

Splash - Cause a stream of water rise from the ground and crash down into an enemy or multiple enemies.
Stalagmite - Call forth large, sharp rocks from beneath an enemy or multiple enemies.
[Burst Artes]

Mystic Drive - Summon a powerful force from beneath a group of enemies to attack them with bursts of light while holding the enemy in mid-air.
Since Rita is not an elemental, she has no actual, magic weakness.  But just like all other magic-users, she certainly does not have infinite stamina and can only perform her spells a limited number of times per day without the help of external items or rest.

Additionally, Rita's straight-forward personality leaves much room for possible manipulation.  Always more interested in science and research than interpersonal relationships, enemies can easily divide her from her party with a cunningly planned distraction.

» appearance/weapon:
Rita Mordio stands at a short height of 5 feet.  Her short, brown hair flows freely around her face and her emerald green eyes stand at a sharp contrast to the rest of her appearance.  Dressed in her own design of scientific apparel, Mordio has multiple front and back pockets on her outer vest to carry her notebooks, sash, and spell book.  A pair of tinted red goggles are always strapped to her head, which perfectly match her color scheme of dark red, gold, and black.  A photo of her outfit can be found here.

A arcane mage, Rita's spells span easily from basic elemental magic to those powers bending light and darkness. When necessary, Rita can also pull off some varied physical moves to defend herself. Her weapons of choice are either books or sashes.  She needs no implement to perform spells, instead they are created through the summoning of a ritualistic circle of magic.

» changes from canon:
  1. First, I've changed Rita's current age from 15 to 18.  Though she is a genius mage, I thought this would make it much more realistic for her current job position. 
  2. Aspio, her home city, is now an Elven city dedicated to the research of mana, and not Blastia.  It was controlled and funded by Elves, and not the Imperial City.
  3. During her cannon, Rita only goes up to the age of 15.  So the last two paragraphs in her brief history are completely made up. But I think it fits well with what she would do, should she original be in Serenata.
  4. In her canon, Tales of Vesperia, Rita goes on an adventure with the rest of the characters in the game.  I am not including these adventures in her history.  (Though I do look forward to her interactions with Raven in a completely different world. ^_^)
» other:

» first person sample:
Is it so hard for you to imagine that I wasn't the thief? I'm a 15-year-old girl for goodness sakes. I didn't steal anything from your city and I definitely wouldn't have brought it back here, to my home. Why would anyone act in such a stupid and self-incriminating manner? People in this world are logical you know, I figured that since you're living in it, it would have rubbed off on you.

» third person sample:

Rita sighed, her hand helplessly scrunching the fabric of the bed.  She had just woken up and her last memory was still pulsing before her eyes. There was too much aer and the Blastia, oh the poor Blastia, had nearly exploded from the pressure. She had just begun reprogramming his aer processing capacity when he started to break down.

Estelle's head laid motionless at the foot of Rita's bed, the rest of her body collapsed on the floor beneath her.

"Why--?"  Rita didn't know what to say.  She never depended on others and she never would have accepted healing from Estelle if she had been conscious enough to refuse.  But that cute little princess girl, Estellise, never thought twice about helping others.  Now she's passed out from using too much of her magic.  Rita tucked her legs up into her arms, distancing herself from her rescuer.

“Now I’ll have to repay you,” she said in a self-righteous tone, those words only escaping from her mouth due to Estelle’s inability to hear her.  Throwing her legs to the side, she stood up, slowly pacing towards the glass the windows overlooking Capua Nor.  “And I have absolutely no idea what I could possibly give you.”

Suddenly, a shout came from behind her.  “Estelle!”  Yuri was standing at the doorway.  A disappointed expression hung from his face.  “I told that girl she would pass out.”

Rita turned around quickly, as if moving faster would assure her that Yuri didn't hear what she said earlier.  “Well, it’s her own fault you know. I never asked her to work so hard to heal me.  Do - do you think she’ll be alright?”

Moving Estelle onto the bed, Yuri looked up.  “The least you could do is help me.  And since when did you care about any one of us?”  Yuri let out a slight smile as he cocked his right eyebrow.  "Well?  I'm waiting."

applications, [ooc], rp: verinthian

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