Dec 10, 2011 18:32
Slowly starting my list of firsts.
Thursday first after NANO B&N meeting, it was so strange and in many ways surreal. It was good to talk to others and to get out of the apartment, though I felt as if I was cheating on him somehow. I mean out enjoying myself and it's only been a week and one day since he passed.
I mean in Gone With the Wind you wore black for at least a month. Well, my wardrobe is still over half black. So I guess I fit into that, after I leave work I mean.
Then today eye exam, and right now had to take contacts out and my spelling may be a bit more rotten than normal. Hopefully will have new lenses by next week, and I will be able to see a bit better.
So 2 firsts down and many more to go I know. Turned up the heat in the apt a bit and ordered pizza which is like 2 dys meals.
Need to get some boxes and start packing some stuff away to make room and I need to get rid of this office chair it keeps sinking... UGHHHHH now I know why I use the laptop. Will see if John will help me take it to the dojo tomorrow before I chuck it out the window. ugggg