May 30, 2011 21:51
ruby has been my best friend since day one.
i found her at the flea market in the back of some guys truck with a sign that said "puppies $20"
I ran to find my parents and begged them to buy me one after begging they said yes and we went home with a flea ridden, muddy puppy. After a few soapy bathes and we had this cute little yellow puppy with dark black circles around her eyes.
she would cry whenever we left her alone and would pee herself with excitement whenever we left her. I used to carry her everywhere in a basket and her best friend was a cat called wanderer who...wandered every where and then one day never came home.
she knows all my secrets. She's my best friend. We've been through so much, she once had to go live on a farm for a few weeks because certain people wanted to put her down because she killed a cat after it attacked my mom.
i came home today and she was in the garage. I stuck my foot under the door to tease her but nothing. I come inside and she's just lying there all cold. I make dad take her to the vet and we had to carry her into the car.
we get her to the vet and we're told she has a ruptured spleen. She's well over ten years old and surgery would cost nearly 4000 dollars but there's a chance she might not get better.
our options were to give her surgery straight away and then drive her to a different part of town to give her overnight care.
we decided to bring her home because she shouldnt have to suffer through surgery and then not make it.
she's downstairs right now and I've been crying non stop since i got home. We turned the heater on so she's warm because her body is so cold. She got a shot for the pain and I'm hoping she pulls through the night by some miracle.
I dont want her to die, I dont want to lose my best friend but I dont want her to be in a pain either
I'm supposed to work tomorrow but I managed to find someone to cover me so I'm working wednesday instead. I dont know how I will deal if i wake up tomorrow and she's died while I was asleep. I really don't.