Mar 12, 2007 00:18
It's so late on a school night and my eyes are salty with sleepiness and I'm not even done I still have a few a lot more poems to experience i mean explicate and I feel the weirdest combination of fat and extremely sore because i ate a million oreos but i also ran 3 miles non-stop, well 2.5 and I thought I was going to pass out or vomit but Mark and Ari made me do it and I ate a plate of oatmeal cookies directly afterwards so guess what, Bar, Leo's Israeli girlfriend is gorgeous and flawless but he's probably an asshole anyway, right, I mean I guess I should make the most of this late night while I'm here the snow is almost completely melted and I had a conversation with someone at a stoplight because both of our windows were down and I feel good when it's like this and I feel good about music and I feel good being busy because there isn't much time left, not much time left at all and I want to kiss my dog right now, she's so god damn adorable you know what, I love linking music to memories, just like you said but I think I like smells more and more everyday and I have this really good book I could be reading but I really can't because I still need to explain Donne and Wordsworth and Blake even though, personally, I think they should speak for themselves, I mean I'm just saying.