Dec 31, 2006 02:44
I resolve to
I don't know yet. In California. Leaving tomorrow. Three papers to write. I miss my friends. It's warm here. Futures are exciting. Orange trees are pretty. I resolve to
Jury's still out on that. Christmas was good. What do I resolve? I am in a hotel room. My family is watching one of those countdowns on VH1. Little Children was good. I like going to see movies in packed theaters so everybody laughs. Have you been to a zoo lately? Gorillas are insane. I should read more. I resolve to. Now we're watching Back to the Future. You lucky people with your cable and smiles. Beverly Hills is scary- the people. Jury's back in. I resolve to learn how to ice skate this year.
Ben Kweller
Jim from The Office
Billy Crudup
Ewan McGregor
Tom Perotta
Noe Montez
That girl's boyfriend
Paul Mcartney
Zach Braff
It's A Wonderful Life: Most Inspiring Movie
2007 will be a good year: books and ice skating. oh and graduating. what's that like?
RESOLUTIONS: what are yours?