What really happened in Syria.

Jun 04, 2012 20:28

Materials of the personal investigation
Part 2
Investigation of Marat Musin

At 100-200 meters from our TV camera crew Militants attacked the IFV, which had gone to replace the soldier on roadblocks.Meanwhile, the draftee had contused and got a light gutter wound in his head from sniper’s bullet. Looking at his broken kevlar helmet he probably did not even realized he just miraculously survived. The snipers kill up to 10 soldiers and policemen on roadblocks every day. However before the daily casualties of law enforcement agencies in Homs numbered tens of dead people. But, unfortunately, we saw 6 more dead soldiers and policemen delivered to morgue at 10 a.m. Most of them were killed by a shot in the head. And it was only a beginning of the day.

List of people killed by snipers in the early morning of May 29th.

1.  The Sergeant Ibragim Khaluf

2. The sergeant Salman Ibragim

3. The policemen Makhmud Danaver

4. The soldier Aly Dakher

5 The sergeant Visam Khaidar

Last name of the 6th killed soldier is unknown.

The gangsters even had fired at our journalists group, though it was clear we were just common journalists and unarmed citizens.

The beginning of attack

Around 14.00 a.m. of May 25th   after prayer,   the roadblock of the law enforcement agencies were shot by the group of  Said Faez Talkha Al Iksh from mortar and grenade launcher from the sight of the mosque with  provocative aims.  Retaliation fire from BDRM hit the mosque and they succeeded in provocation. After that 2 gunmen groups under the leadership of terrorists Nidial Bakkura and Al Khasan from Al Khalyalka family with the support of detachment of mercenary attacked upper roadblock on the East of the town.
  At 15.30 upper roadblock was taken and all captive soldiers were executed - someone’s throat was cut, like Sunnite conscript, someone was burnt as Abdulla Shauai from Der Zora. During the attack on upper roadblock on the East gunmen lost 25 people and presented them to observers of UN among 108 corps of civilians -victims of the regime, allegedly killed by bombing and shelling of the city by the Syrian army. The rest 83 corpse, including 38 small children were loyal to Syrian authority families executed by gunmen. 
    Here is an interview of law-enforcement officer: «My name is All Khasan, I’m law-enforcement officer and I served at village Tall-Dau, All-Khula region, province of Homs.

Our roadblock was attacked  by a huge gunmen group on Friday.  There were thousands of them.

Question: “How did you defend yourself?” Answer: “with common weapon. We had 20 people. We called for support, and while it was on the way, I was wounded and regained consciousness only in hospital”. People who attacked us were from Ar-Rastan and All-Khula. The gunmen  control Tall-Dau. They were burning houses and killing whole family just for being loyal to authorities. They were also raping women and killing children.”

An interview of wounded soldier: “I’m Makhmud All Khali. I’m from Manbezh. I was wounded in Tall-Day town. I’m from the supporting group, which came to help our comrades on roadblock.

Gunmen destroy 2 IFVand RPV that were on our roadblock. We entered Tall-Dau on IFV to pick up our wounded comrades from roadblock in the town. We took them back on IFV, and  I stayed to replace them.

After a while the UN observers came.  And they came to us, we showed them houses where family and their children were slaughtered by bandits. I saw a family; consisted of 3 brothers and their father in one room. In the other we found dead children and their mother. There was also killed old man in those house. Totally there were 5 men, woman and children. I covered with blanket a woman that had been raped and shot in head. The commission has seen all of them. They put them into a car and took away. I don’t know where they were  taken, probably to bury them.”

The citizen of Tall-Dau on the roof of police.

“At the daytime on Friday I was at home. I heard the shooting and then I went out to see what’s going on, then I saw that shooting was from the North to location where the army check post was. The army didn’t retaliate, they start coming up to houses, where afterwards families were killed. They took women and children as a live shield. And continued shooting at the roadblocks. When the Army retaliated, they went back and hid. Then the Army took survived women and children to a safer place. At the same time, in All Djazir there were pictures taken, like it was the Army who committed slaughter. As a matter of fact gunmen committed murders of peaceful civilians and their children in All Khula. Bandits didn’t allow anyone do their job. They steal everything they see: wheat, flour, back oil, gas. Most of the gunmen are from the ArRostan town.”

After they captured the town, they took their killed gunmen, and bodies of people and their children killed by them to the mosque. They carried their bodies on KIA pick-ups. At 8 p.m. on 25-th of May bodies of dead were already in mosque. Next day the UN observers came into mosque day by 11 a.m.

Russian and Chinese texts and subtitles of the following contents were prepared in advance in order to exert pressure on public opinion and to change the position of Russia and China in the right direction, “Syria - Khoms -Khula town. Terrible massacre, carried out by Syrian regime against peaceful civilians in Khula town. There were tens of victims and it number is increasing. Mostly women and children were killed in result of UNSELECTIVE BOMBING ATTACKS OF THE  TOWN”.

In two days, on 27-th of May, when it became clear from witnessing of citizens and videotapes that facts of artillery shelling and bombings were not confirmed, bandits videos undergone a substantial editing.  At the end of the text the following note has appeared “And some people were killed by knife.

gunmen, syria, terrorist, war, middle east, weapon, maghreb

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