Nov 21, 2011 20:41
What in prophesies is being called the Last Judgment, cosmic terminology calls the transition of the Earth to a new turn of the cycle. At the moment of winter solstice in 2012, the sun will finish a turn around the center of the Pleiades star system that lasted 26,000 years.
In 1847 the German astronomer Johann Heinrich von Maedler, on the basis of observations concluded that our Sun belongs to Pleiades system, and revolves around its central star, as well as all nearby stars. This whole Pleiades system is in the Orion arm of our Milky Way galaxy, and revolves around the galactic center.The forthcoming date, December 21 2012 is significant, because the rotation cycle of the Pleiades around the center of our galaxy, that lasted 230 million years, will be over simultaneously with the turn within the Pleiades. Our Galaxy, in turn, is completing the infinitely and immeasurably long period of revolution around the center of the universe. Three turns of a cycle will be completed simultaneously. An event of this scale is truly enormous and the Earth will pass through it for the first time in its history. Only evolutionary turns of a smaller scale happened, but even then huge animal populations were disappearing, climate was changing, and continents were moving. All the prophets of the mankind predicted this event and were calling people to live pious lives, in order to deserve a life in the Golden Age. I am ready to change myself, and what about you?