Workshops the past three days with Contra-Mestre Maxuel, who was Roberto’s teacher for eight years. I don’t know why I thought I would get anything else done this weekend... But not a bad way to finish off spring break, if finish it you must. Don’t worry, I don’t feel the need to write the great American novel about Maxuel. He was pretty cool, and I always love seeing different instructors teach, but I’d take Marquinho Coreba any day of the week. I was even idly looking up jobs in Boston today if I don’t end up going to Brown. Also looked at Harvard’s International Education Policy program again mostly because it’s in Boston (and I hear it’s a decent school). Ha. And, yes, I know I’m ridiculous.
UGH, I really, really need to get on my stuff and finish everything so I can graduate and get out of here. I don’t even care about my degree that much anymore. I’m kind of disillusioned with the whole thing. The main reason I want to finish is that it would look really bad not to after I’ve already finished 88% of it. Whatever, that’s like a B+, right? I can live with a B+. Isn’t that enough? I do like my life here, except for obnoxious school things hanging over my head, and there are a lot of things and people I will miss... but that’s okay, when I live in Boston and/or Providence I can come back and visit. = D
But assuming I survive the semester,
next year is looking pretty good.
If I don’t get the fellowship:
Illinois May-June (being at home, visiting my grandpa in Louisiana and my brother in Wisconsin, getting my wisdom teeth out, packing, etc)
Brazil June-May (volunteering, Sul da Bahia conference in July for a week, back to volunteering)
If not:
Illinois May-June (same as above)
Brazil June-September (same as above)
Illinois/DC September (packing, getting my second cord at the batizado in Maryland)
Bosnia October-June (getting paid to learn Bosnian and about Bosnia)
Either way, I’m happy. I’ve been pretty set on Brazil for a long time but if I get the fellowship, there’s no way I could turn it down. I’d still get to spend a good three months in Brazil and maybe Brazil is better in small quantities anyway. I still have no idea how to incorporate both Portuguese and Serbo-Croatian into a cohesive career but who needs a cohesive career anyway?
I miss my berimbau :( My wire broke and the four new ones that I bought are still in the mail.